Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Halloween

I'm a little late getting this up but our halloween wasn't anything to brag about except, we probably have the scariest house! We had a total of five groups of kids come to our house. I had the porch light on and I could see the kids everywhere trick or treating, but most of them wouldn't come close to our house. One group came and knocked on the door and when they heard a dog's deep rumbling growl, they turned running and screaming! With our house being 112 years old, it already looks creepy, but then we added the cobwebs to it and it looked abandoned! Plus the night before there was a bad wind storm that blew all the leaves in the yard all over the porch and into the cobwebs! Tori scattered the webs all over the porch and the yard, she wrapped it around the trees, over the fence, through the bushes and even on the mailbox! We went earlier in the month to get wood for the winter and Dan picked a great stump to chop wood on. We used that stump, with the cuts from the ax in it, to decorate the front porch! It would have been even better if Dan had been here to scare all the kids! He would have done a great job and loved every minute of it!!

1 comment:

Julz said...

Wow! That does look creepy!! Great job guys!